Fostering a cat for Pretty Good Cats means taking a vulnerable cat or kitten into your home to love and care for until they are ready to be adopted. Opening your home and heart to these kitties is a rewarding experience for anyone who is lucky enough to foster! Contact us at info@PrettyGoodCat.com to learn more!
Assist in the Cattery at PetSmart
We need volunteer to help with the cats waiting for adoption at PetSmart. Our furry feline guests need to stretch their legs and have some fun outside there humble enclosures. Enrichment is super important to us and we need a little help. Some light cleaning, straitening and good communication is required. If you love cats and would like to be a part of our team please email info@prettygoodcat.com. Must be at least 18 years of age or have an adult present during volunteering.
Monetary donations are always welcome and appreciated! Whether it be a one-time donation or a monthly donation, all proceeds will go towards the care of our cats. No amount is too small, and every penny counts! Please let us know if you would like to donate today.
Spread the word
We understand that life may get ahead of you sometimes. If you’d like to help, but do not have the time or resources to do so at this time, please, spread the word to your friends and family! You can tell anyone interested to get in touch with us here, at PrettyGoodCat.com, our Facebook Page, or contact us directly at info@PrettyGoodCat.com.